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Consumer Electronics Show 2014

Kingston Wireless had a very successful time at this year’s Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas; we enjoyed seeing all the latest gadgets, met a number of potential new customers and were very pleased to see several products on display that we helped to develop (including one that has one several “Best of CES” awards).

This year’s show had a record 2.0 million square feet of occupied exhibition space, upward of 3,200 exhibitors and an attendance of 150,000+. Taking centre stage were 4K HDTVs and curved screens (with 3D TVs much less prominent than last year). Samsung, for instance, were demonstrating their 105-inch curved 4K HDTV that includes a movie-theatre aspect ratio of 21×9, and boasts 11 million pixels.

Complementing the TV vendors, there were also many manufacturers of audio gear present, with products including a number of innovative new Bluetooth® speakers and multi-room systems.

Connected cars also had a big presence at this year’s show, with a record nine car manufacturers showing off their latest technology (and thus also signalling the growing importance of consumer technology in modern cars). In addition, various suppliers including Google were highlighting the increasing integration between cars and smartphones.

The most exciting products of the show for us, though, were the wearables and other appcessories. Of these, wearables are dominated by fitness gadgets but also include smartwatches, sports gear and augmented reality glasses. The non-wearable appcessories include robots and toys that integrate with a smartphone to provide a control interface. Both of these are areas were there is still lots of scope for new innovation and a vast potential market.